Saturday, November 10, 2007

8 Things YOU Can Do!!!

So you want a Christian President, but you don't know what to do besides waiting until next November and hoping that a viable option is present at that time. Never fear! Here are 8 things you can do to help a true (as close as we can tell) Christian candidate get nominated and elected:

1.) Pray: We can't do this by ourselves. It's as simple as that. We need the guidance, strength, support, and help of God to make it anywhere in this effort.

2.) Tell your friends and family: The key to influencing democratic elections is to influence lots of people. Get out your e-mail mailing list, bring this issue up in Sunday school, and do whatever else you can to spread the word to friends, family members, and acquaintances!

3.) Link this site in one (or more) of your blog post(s): An excellent way to popularize this site and effort is to mention it in one (or more) of your blog's posts.

4.) Put this site in your blogroll: After your posts with links to this site are old and mildewed, your blogroll is still at the top of your blog's page. This is a solid way to permanently publicize this site and effort.

5.) Join one of this site's blogrolls: You can join either the Americans for a Christian President blogroll or the Sites That Have Linked WWCP Without Officially Joining the Effort section.

6.) Volunteer to campaign for and/or contribute financially to a Christian candidate: Almost--if not--all of the potential Christian candidates are or were once considered "second-tier." Thus, they'd truly appreciate any help and/or funds you could provide them.
Much work can be done without even leaving your home. For instance, phone calls can be made for a candidate; e-mails can be sent to friends, family, public figures, and organizations; and letters to editors of newspapers can be sent electronically.
To find concentrated grassroots efforts for Mike Huckabee specifically, visit Huck's Army.

7.) Register to Vote: I am a staunch advocate of the idea that one activist can have a far greater impact on an election than one vote. But that most certainly does not mean that you shouldn't vote, if you are legally able. Now is the time to make sure you are registered to vote.

8.) Contact Christian and conservative organizations and leaders supporting less-than-conservative-Christian candidates to politely and respectfully express your displeasure, disapproval, and disappointment over their choices in presidential candidates: To have the best chance at success, we must endeavor to try to convert and inform as many of those who believe differently than we do.

**If you are not a blogger, you may feel as though you can't contribute much. Don't feel that way! You can still do points 1, 2, 6, and 7! Plus, making a Blogger profile and creating a blog is easy! Create a blog just for this purpose! Go to Blogger's homepage, and they'll guide you through the process!
***Also, you may not consider your MySpace or Facebook profiles to be "blogs." But, they can work just fine. Link this site from your page, ask that the URL to your profile be linked from one or more of this WWCP's blogrolls, and contact your friends about this site.

****This post was edited on 1/13/08.
*****This post was edited again on 03/03/08
******Edited again on 3/08/08


Anonymous said...

I listened to Mr Romneys speech concerning his faith. The thing that most struck me as odd was that he assured us that he would NOT allow his faith to "define" his campaign or presidency. That is not only impossible but the wrong message. Our faith as followers of Jesus the Christ is our most defining attribute. There is no way to separate our faith from homelife or work life and even the selection of our enjoyments. I greatly appreciate the fact that each time I see or hear Pastor Mike I am assured that Christ is his life! God Bless!

Kingdom Advancer said...

Exactly. If Romney thinks he'll endear himself to voters by saying that God doesn't influence his political decisions, then he thinks wrongly. Or so I hope.

Anonymous said...

I'm on board.

I've been blogging on behalf of Mike Huckabee for some time now, and Duncan Hunter is my second choice.

Let's just say that Giuliani and Romney rank much lower ... ;-)

I'm adding you to my blogroll, and I'd be honored to be on yours. The nation deserves real Christian leadership, and I'm pleased to join hands with those who share that goal.

Today, two of Romney's bloggers went after Mike Huckabee for the number of Christian-oriented blogs on his blogroll. I was actually pleased to find mine on that hit list.

Kingdom Advancer said...

Welcome aboard, Wickle!

Renneth said...

Wow, I'll be sure to do all these things! (except for number 7- I'm too young!)