Saturday, January 26, 2008
Desiring Passion, Not Passivity, for Life
Word Count: 240
Some of the candidates in the Republican presidential race seem to take a passive position against abortion. Rudy Giulani “personally opposes” abortions and promises to try to reduce the amount of them, but he does not support a ban. Formerly pro-choice Mitt Romney would like to end abortion, but he doesn’t think the country is ready. That is a built-in copout before his first day as president. Not only that, but he supports rape and incest exceptions, somehow believing that we should kill an unborn baby for the sins of the biological father. John McCain thinks Roe v. Wade is a “flawed” decision, but he would be content to simply overturn it, giving the power back to the states and allowing them to conversely either ban or encourage abortions.
None of those positions are strong enough for people like me. I want a candidate with a passion for life, not passivity. I want a candidate who fully comprehends the importance of fighting for the right of every person—in every state, in the womb or out, and conceived in any fashion—to have a chance at the “pursuit of happiness.” That candidate is Mike Huckabee. He is and always has been completely and fervently pro-life. The abortion issue is what originally got him involved in politics, and he worked to pass pro-life legislation while governor of Arkansas. He supports a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution, and I support him.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Send Thank You Notes
Alaska, Karen Vosburgh, ,
Arizona, David Roney,
Georgia, Bryan Lash,
Missouri, Patricia Skain, (website submission form)
Montana, Liana Karlin,
No other state right-to-life organization that I know of is endorsing Huckabee yet. Please, at least e-mail your state affiliate, requesting that they endorse the only truly, consistently pro-life candidate who can win.
Fair Tax and Trade
Length: 224 words
As John McCain, Rudy Giulani, and Mitt Romney stump and stomp and stamp about the economy, two things you will rarely—if ever—hear mentioned are fair trade and the Fair Tax. They’ll mention lower corporate taxes, but they won't mention that, as long as corporate taxes exist, they will serve as both a natural tariff on our products and an invisible tax on our consumers. Corporations don’t really pay taxes, instead passing them on through higher prices.
They’ll mention tax breaks and lower income taxes, but they won't mention that, as long as income taxes exist, productivity will be stifled and peak economic efficiency won’t be reached.
They’ll mention improving trade and America’s global competitiveness while reducing our trade deficit, but they won’t mention that, as long as other countries charge high duties on our exports while we charge none on their imports, we will always struggle to compete.
Endorsed by Duncan Hunter, who has championed the idea of fair, “mirror trade,” Mike Huckabee is the only leading presidential candidate proposing both fair trade and the Fair Tax, which would eliminate income and corporate taxes, replacing them with a national consumption tax. It would be an uphill battle to install such policies in corrupt Washington, but, since we’re already talking about “change” this election, why don’t we talk about big change—real change?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Social Conservatism Still Holds Precedence
Length: 243 words
Subject: Social Conservatism Still Holds Precedence
This letter is to affirm that social conservatism still holds a great deal of precedence with at least one voter. Apparently, most of the contenders for the Republican nomination don’t realize that people like me exist. Romney is trying to magnify the importance of the economy, which goes well with his business acumen. McCain is trying to spin everything to foreign policy and defense, which goes well with his military and defense background. Giulani tries to tie a lot of things back to 9/11 and his leadership experience from it.
This trend of emphasizing one issue is understandable, since each candidate has his own particular strength. But don’t forget that all these candidates are also hiding conservative weaknesses in the social realm.
Giulani is in favor of choice, civil unions, and locally-determined gun restrictions. Romney has shoddy track records on abortion and gun control. McCain does not support a Human Life Amendment or a Marriage Amendment, and his maverick nature has brought him on the anti-gun side of the fence more than once.
Mike Huckabee is the only one who has been a constant, complete conservative on all of these issues. He supports a Human Life Amendment, a Marriage Amendment, and the Second Amendment. Nothing in his record contradicts his stances on these issues. He is the only one who appears to have consistently believed in what I do as passionately as I do. Therefore, he is the only one I will support.
Lost in the Shuffle...the Second Amendment
Length: 242 words
Lost in the campaign shuffle of the economy, the war in Iraq, and the war on terror, we find an issue most fundamental: the right to keep and bear arms. All the candidates on the Republican side pay lip service to the Second Amendment, but, as the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Furthermore, past statements speak louder than election year rhetoric. Alas, most of the candidates in the Republican field don’t have a consistent pattern to trust.
Giulani supports locally-determined gun restrictions, as if some citizens don’t deserve the same constitutional liberties that others do. Apparently a utilitarian, he defends his actions in New York City, claiming that they reduced crime. But many, especially conservatives, would reject the logic of such a cause-effect argument and its use as an excuse to restrict a constitutional right.
Romney’s record shows that he used to support the Brady law and a ban on at least some semi-automatic weapons. Furthermore, he promised not to “chip away” at Massachusetts’ strict gun laws when he was running for governor. McCain’s maverick mentality led him into anti-gun territory—and not just once.
In contrast to those three, Mike Huckabee is the only candidate who has unfailingly and adamantly protected our right to defend ourselves in a free and unhindered manner.
I beseech all conservatives, while all the candidates promise to protect the country and your wallets, remember who has also consistently protected your right to protect yourself.
Straight Talk About John McCain on Immigration
John McCain dubs his campaign the “Straight Talk Express.” So, I thought I’d take some time to give my own straight talk about John McCain on immigration.
McCain says that his immigration bill failed because people do not trust the government. Here’s some straight talk: his immigration bill failed because, in the eyes of us conservatives, it was a terrible plan; it was amnesty, no matter how McCain tries to parse definitions. McCain says he learned that Americans want the border secured first. Here's more straight talk: yes, we do want the borders secured, but that’s not the only problem we had with his plan. We don’t want amnesty, and he is still promising us that. He says that, in his plan where most illegals get to stay in America from day one, "they'd have to get at the back of the line" for citizenship. Here's some straight talk: when you're already in the Chocolate Factory, who cares about the Golden Ticket? McCain says that he would deport the two million criminal illegals immediately. Here's some straight talk: those two million criminals would be amazingly difficult to round up. A terrorist, drug dealer, murderer, or rapist is not going to come forward, ask for a card, and say, “By the way, I’m one of the bad ones.” McCain says he wouldn’t deport the wife, here illegally, of a soldier in Iraq. Here’s some straight talk: rather than exploiting that situation to justify compromising the law, why not ask how they managed to get married in the first place?
As a conservative, I must say that, for a straight talker, McCain sure thinks and speaks crookedly on this issue. Mike Huckabee has proposed a 9-point Secure the Border Plan, endorsed by Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman; he has signed a “No Amnesty Pledge”; he’s been endorsed by immigration hawk and former presidential candidate Duncan Hunter; and he has my support.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I Apologize...
Letter to Florida Right to Life
FRTL's e-mail address:
Here's the e-mail I sent, which you can model if you so desire:
Subject: Urgent Request for You to Endorse Mike Huckabee for President
To whom it may concern:
On your website, I noticed that you list the NRLC's endorsement of former presidential candidate Fred Thompson. Since Senator Thompson has exited the race, I am writing to urge you to give your endorsement to Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas.
Governor Huckabee is and always has been staunchly pro-life. He is the most consistently, fully, and fervently pro-life candidate in the race. He even states on his site that abortion is the issue which originally got him involved in politics. He believes that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. He is opposed to research on embryonic stem cells. He supports a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and he passed pro-life legislation while governor of Arkansas.
In addition, whereas other so-called "second-tier" candidates have either bowed out or shown no substantial presence in the polls, Governor Huckabee has quieted qualms about his electability. Finishing first in Iowa, third in New Hampshire, third in Michigan, and a very close second in South Carolina, he has clearly proven to be one of the main contenders for the Republican nomination. As far as future primaries go, he is either leading or competitive in the polls of numerous states which vote on Super Tuesday.
With the constraints of a modest budget and a lack of inherent name recognition, Governor Huckabee would benefit tremendously from your support. You could provide a significant boost in momentum with the announcement of your endorsement.
Down in the Sunshine State, you've seen, through the story of Tim Tebow, the importance of giving every life a chance. As one of the most important primaries in the nation is about to take place in your state, please take the strongest stand for life that you can. Endorse Mike Huckabee.
Thank you for your time.
[your name]
Letter to North Dakota Right to Life
To whom it may concern:
I understand that you have decided not to endorse a presidential candidate until the two main parties have selected their nominees. I am writing to implore you to reconsider your decision. Please allow me to explain:
Unlike other election cycles, this primary season has presented pro-lifers with an urgent and immediate challenge. On the Democratic side, all the leading candidates are pro-choice, as usual. However, on the Republican side, we are faced with an uncommon predicament. Namely, all of the candidates are not pro-life in a complete and unadulterated manner.
Rudy Giulani, former mayor of New York City, is personally opposed to abortion but believes in a woman's right to choose. He claims that he would appoint strict constructionist judges, but he does not support a ban on abortion.
Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, was pro-choice until the past few years. He takes a somewhat apathetic stance towards the issue, believing that the country is not ready to rid itself of abortion. In addition, he remains in favor of rape and incest exceptions.
John McCain believes that overturning Roe v. Wade would be sufficient. On his website, he states, "Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states." This stance is not the one of someone who recognizes the overwhelming importance of ending abortion.
In contrast to Giulani, Romney, and McCain, Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, is and has always been fully and staunchly pro-life. He believes that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. He is opposed to research on embryonic stem cells. He supports a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and he passed pro-life legislation while governor of Arkansas. Without a doubt, he is the most consistently and fervently pro-life candidate in the field of frontrunners.
Furthermore, whereas other so-called "second-tier" candidates have either bowed out or shown no substantial presence in the polls, Governor Huckabee has quieted qualms about his electability. Finishing first in Iowa, third in New Hampshire, third in Michigan, and a very close second in South Carolina, he has clearly proven to be one of the main contenders for the Republican nomination. As far as future primaries go, he is either leading or competitive in the polls of numerous states which vote on Super Tuesday.
With the constraints of a modest budget and a lack of inherent name recognition, Governor Huckabee would benefit greatly from your support.
Thank you for your time. I sincerely hope that, reconsidering your policy of giving no endorsements until the general election, you will endorse Mike Huckabee for President of the United States.
[your name]
Duncan Hunter endorses Mike Huckabee for President
Hunter dropped out of the race after two poor showings in Nevada and South Carolina on January 19th. His poll numbers and actual vote percentages consistently hovered around--usually below--two percent, but he is respected as a true, complete, consistent conservative. Although any supporters who follow his lead may be few, Hunter's influence is greater in that he may convince some fence-sitters to come to Huckabee.
To read more about Duncan Hunter and his recently ended bid for the presidency, click here.
To read more about his endorsement of Huckabee, click here.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Letter to National Right to Life
Subject: Writing to Request That You Endorse Governor Mike Huckabee for President
To whom it may concern:
Now that Former Senator Fred Thompson, whom NRLC endorsed for President of the United States, has ended his campaign, I am writing to urge you to officially endorse Mike Huckabee, Former Governor of Arkansas, in Thompson's stead.
Governor Huckabee is and always has been staunchly pro-life. He is the most consistently and fervently pro-life candidate in the race. He believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned. He is opposed to research on embryonic stem cells. He supports a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and he passed pro-life legislation while governor of Arkansas.
In addition, he has calmed fears about his electability. Finishing first in Iowa, third in New Hampshire, third in Michigan, and a very close second in South Carolina, he has clearly proven to be one of the main contenders for the Republican nomination. Furthermore, he is either leading or competitive in the polls of numerous states which vote on Super Tuesday.
With the constraints of a modest budget and a lack of inherent name recognition, Governor Huckabee would benefit tremendously from your support. Moreover, as Super Tuesday approaches quickly, when over twenty states will choose their candidates on the same day, Governor Huckabee needs as much national media coverage as possible. You could greatly assist in this area with an announcement of your endorsement.
Thank you for your time. I sincerely hope that you will choose to endorse Governor Mike Huckabee for President of the United States.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Ranking Their "Positions": Personal Commitments and Morality
On top of that, if a person appears genuinely repentant, we, as Christians, have to consider forgiving and forgetting.
Having laid that groundwork, I do still feel that a candidate's personal life can be a contributing factor to the selection process. What can we learn from a presidential aspirant's past, and why does it matter? I feel like we can potentially gain some insight, though not concretely, into the following areas:
a) Commitment: What does it mean to him when he says, "I do; I will; for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; 'til death do us part"?
b.) Selflessness/Desire to Do the Will of God: When a person spurns his wife, scoffs at God, and renigs on a lifetime contract, narcissism is much more likely prevalent in that person's life than selflessness and dedication to God.
c) Fear of God: What does it mean to him when he hears "In the sight of God" and "holy matrimony"?
d) Honesty: Someone who lies in order to carry on an affair (if that is indeed the case) will, in all likelihood, lie in order to accomplish other forms of personal gratification, whatever they may be.
e) Responsibility as a Public Figure: How seriously does an adulterating/fornicating politician take his/her role as a role model, a representative of the people, a prominent image of his constituents to the nation and to the world. Can he be trusted with the closely scrutinized position of the presidency?
As a final thought, before we begin to look at how the presidential candidates match up, remember that, just because we should forgive someone, doesn't mean we have to trust them with one of--if not--the most powerful and influential jobs in the world.
1. Ron Paul: (Wikipedia)
I am bequeathing the honorary Number One position upon Ron Paul in honor of the fact that he has been married to his one and only wife Carol for almost 51 years. Together, they have five children and seventeen grandchildren! (Interestingly enough, Wikipedia reports that they have eighteen grandchildren and one great grandchild, but the article it references as support confirms the statistics on Paul's campaign site.)
Paul is a solid supporter of traditional marriage, but he opposes the Federal Marriage Amendment because of his constitutional interpretation of federal jurisdiction.
2(t). Mike Huckabee: (Wikipedia)
Huckabee, a former Baptist minister, has lived up to his responsibility as a role model, at least when it comes to the duration and amount of marriages of which he has been a part. That is, he's been married once, for 33 years, to woman named Janet. They have three (now full-grown) children.
He helped institute "Covenant Marriages" in Arkansas, renewing his vows to his wife, and he is and always has been a strong supporter of traditional marriage, promising to push a federal marriage amendment as President.
On a side note, he had a great soundbite in one of the recent debates, when he said that marriage is not about each partner giving fifty percent, but about each partner giving one hundred percent.
2(t). Duncan Hunter: (*No longer running: dropped out 1/19/08; endorsed Huckabee)
Duncan Hunter, one of the forgotten men in this year's presidential race, has been a much better example in marriage than several of his colleagues who are far ahead of him in the polls. He has only been married once, is still married, and has been married to his wife Lynne for over 33 years. They have two sons, two daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren.
Hunter is a staunch advocate of traditional marriage, and, like Huckabee, would attempt to pass a marriage amendment as President.
2(t). Mitt Romney: (Wikipedia)
Married for over 38 years, Romney and his only wife Ann have had five sons together, who have in turn given them eleven grandchildren.
All appears fine on that front, with his children campaigning with him, but we must remember that Romney is a Mormon. His wife Ann converted to Mormonism before they married, and they no doubt raised their children in a Mormon tradition, which means that Romney is responsible for leading (or at least trying to lead) a woman and five children down the wrong path. However, I have decided not to downgrade Mitt Romney in this particular post for that reason.
2(t). Alan Keyes: (Wikipedia)
Keyes, a stalwart when it comes to the defense of traditional marriage and strong families, defines himself as a "dedicated family man." He and his wife Jocelyn have three children.
One of his daughters, Maya, has come out as a Lesbian. There were reports that, when Alan found out about this, he "threw her out of the house, stopped talking to her, and refused to pay for her college." According to Wikipedia, Maya confirmed these reports, but Alan denied them. "He asserted that he never cut her off and never would because it would be 'wrong in the eyes of God.' He also said he would not be coerced into 'approving of that which destroys the soul' of his daughter. He contended that he must 'stand for the truth [Jesus Christ] represents' even if it breaks his heart."
I'm not sure what to make of all that. If his defense is true, he's right. But the conflicting reports are disturbing. As for raising a child that turns out to be a lesbian, I don't know if you can blame Keyes. I certainly wouldn't be so bold as to shamelessly blame my parents if I were to fall into sin. However, this situation begs us to look more closely at Keyes devout Catholicism. Does he have a true relationship with Jesus Christ, which he could therefore pass on to his children, rather than some type of legalism or ritualism? But, again, this could happen to devout Protestant Christians' children, too.
***After originally ranking Keyes 5th, I have decided to move him up with the others. There is simply no justification for downgrading him.
6. Fred Thompson: (Wikipedia) (No longer running; dropped out 1/22/08)
Fred Thompson has been divorced once and married twice. He married his first wife when he was only seventeen years old, proceeding to have three children (two surviving) with her. After remaining married for over twenty-five years, they divorced. Thereafter, Thompson was romantically linked to several women, eventually marrying his current wife, Jeri, in 2002. They have two very young children.
7. John McCain: (Wikipedia)
Divorced once and married twice, just like Thompson, McCain is placed under Thompson because of the way his marital relationships transpired. Initially, John married a girl named Carol in 1965. She had already been married, but she divorced. McCain adopted her two children, and they had a child of their own.
In 1979, while still married to Carol, McCain fell in love with a new, much younger (17 years) girl. He acted accordingly, filing for and attaining a divorce. He's now been married to Cindy for over 27 years, having three children.
According to Wikipedia, McCain's children would not attend his second wedding, understandably, although they have since reconciled with him and Cindy. McCain has four grandchildren.
8. Rudy Giulani: (Wikipedia)
Giulani has been divorced twice and married three times. He originally married his second cousin. Within ten years, he and his wife agreed to a trial separation, their marriage struggling. Seven years later, Giulani met someone new and thereafter filed for a legal separation. He began living with his second wife-to-be, attained a civil divorce, and received an annulment from the Catholic church on the basis of the fact that Giulani supposedly thought his first wife was his third cousin, not his second. When he (and the Catholic church) "discovered" the truth, the marriage was deemed to be illegitimate.
A while later, Giulani married his live-in. The marriage became strained, however, and in 1997, word started leaking out that Giulani was having an affair, which was indeed the case.
But that affair was not the one in which his current wife, Judith, was a participant. That came soon after, as Giulani carried on a secret relationship with her, while he was still married. The relationship became less and less secretive over time, as Giulani was seen publicly with Judith, stopped wearing his wedding ring, and had police and security details take him to have secret rendezvouses with his partner in adultery. Judith had also been divorced twice.
When Giulani announced his intentions to separate from his second wife, his wife did not about his plans before he made them public. Heavy criticism and a nasty divorce settlement ensued.
Eventually, however, he did divorce his second wife and marry his third.
Rudy has two children by his second wife, and one stepchild with Judy. It has been reported within the last year that Giulani is estranged from his two biological children.
Rankings (after five issues)[with Hunter]:
Hunter: 1.8
Keyes: 1.8
Huckabee: 2.2
Paul: 3.6
Romney: 4.2
Thompson: 4.2
McCain: 6.4
Giulani: 7.6
Rankings (after five issues)[without Hunter]:
Keyes: 1.8
Huckabee: 2
Paul: 3
Thompson: 3.4
Romney: 3.6
McCain: 5.4
Giulani: 6.6
You Need Not Sit Idly By As You Sit In Front of Your Computer
*Enlisted in Huck's Army, made my first posts on the forum, and am planning on contacting my state's grassroots director.
**Signed up to be one of the Huckabeez, posted an endorsement on that site, and got my blog linked from it.
***Became a Huckabee Ranger, set my fundraising goal at the $100 minimum, placed a widget on this site, and left my endorsement on the site.
Other sites that you might be interested in checking out are Huckabee Momentum and I Would Vote for Huckabee. I haven't taken part in those efforts yet, but you might want to.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Support Huckabee Through WWCP
Although the field of Christian candidates with legitimate potentiality is thinning, I'm still not willing to make the monumental declaration that Mike Huckabee is the only one. However, if I were to try to be the best financial steward in the process of contributing to a campaign, I would donate to Mike Huckabee. That is why I am asking you this: If this site has helped to increase your support for Mike Huckabee, and if you want to contribute to his campaign, please use the widget above. (You can also find it in the sidebar.) By doing that, you will affirm the impact of this site.
Again, I repeat, I am still not claiming that Huckabee is the only option. But, as you know, I think he is the best option, as of now.
Time to Get Back in the Saddle

South Carolina Republican Primary Results
McCain: 33%
Huckabee: 30%
Thompson: 16%
Romney: 15%
Paul: 4%
Giulani: 2%
Hunter: <1%
~I'm not going to patronize you by denying that last night's results were crushing. I really thought Huckabee would win; and, more importantly, he really needed to win. However, we must recognize that this is not "game over," but "game on." Any cowboy will tell you that, when you fall out of the saddle, the best thing to do is to jump right back in it. It may seem easiest just to stay on the ground, but, in the long run, it's the worst thing you can do.
The Florida Republican primary is a deadheat right now. Giulani has been there, and Romney and McCain storm into the Sunshine State with some victorious momentum. Because of this, they should be sparring with each other for the next week. Hopefully, Huckabee can sneak up and pull off the biggest upset/comeback yet of this campaign season.
~If you are a Floridian for Huckabee, you can pick up the blog banner positioned at the top of this post here.
~Even after focusing all his attention on the Palmetto State, Fred Thompson simply could not ascend in the polls enough to accomplish a very improbable South Carolina triumph. His campaign could soon be drawing to a close.
On a side note , though, he did slow the mo' of Mitt Romney.
~Could Giulani really have expected that his strategy would leave him with such measly support in the early primary states? We'll soon see if his strategy works, and thereby if anyone will every try it again.
Nevada Republican Caucus Results:
Mitt Romney: 51%
Ron Paul: 13%
John McCain: 13%
Mike Huckabee: 8%
Fred Thompson: 8%
Rudy Giulani: 4%
Duncan Hunter: 2%
~Mitt Romney was the only big-name candidate who put significant time (and a good chunk of his seemingly endless supply of money) into Nevada. Along with that, Nevada has a substantial Mormon population. This huge win for him means little more than delegates, although, admittedly, those are starting to look more and more important.
~Ron Paul finally found a state where he could place (1st, 2nd, or 3rd). That may encourage him to run as a third-party candidate, assuming, of course, that he doesn't get the nod as the Republican nominee.
~Duncan Hunter dropped out after two more poor showings in Nevada and South Carolina. I wrote a post about him that you can read by clicking here.
~Ditto same comment about Giulani as above.
All these results call for are more prayer and more action. Please join with me in this effort.
Duncan Hunter Drops Out; Thompson Next?
Duncan Hunter dropped out of the race after posting a lackluster 2% in the Nevada caucuses yesterday. Percentage-wise, that was the best Hunter had done in any of the early states (Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan, Nevada, South Carolina), save for Wyoming, where one delegate vote equaled 8%. But that best wasn't nearly good enough, especially considering how much time and effort Hunter concentrated into that state. Obviously, his strategy wasn't nearly as effective as Ron Paul's; Paul finished second in the Silver State.
Hunter faced an uphill battle from the start. Like every other so-called "second-tier" candidate, he suffered from a lack of name-recognition. A Rudy, Fred, or Mitt, he is not. However, unlike Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul, Hunter failed to climb the ladder of publicity and ignite significant excitement about his candidacy. Huckabee has energized conservative Christians and social conservatives in general. Paul has energized...well, somebody. I'm not quite sure what his demographic is, but he's inspired it nonetheless.
Found wanting in the area of popularity, Hunter could have benefited from a notch of executive experience in his belt. Although he has worked in the realms of defense and foreign policy, Hunter has only ever been a U.S. Representative. He can't tout "running a government," being a governor or mayor, like Giulani, Huckabee, and Romney can.
The longer the campaign season went, the less likely it appeared Hunter would have a shot. Television debates stopped inviting him and journalists rarely uttered his name. This lowered visibility perhaps made him lesser known today than he was two or three months ago. On top of that, all the voters which would have gravitated towards him began to coalesce around other candidates with better perceived chances of winning.
Potentially the most completely, consistently, and fervently conservative candidate in the race, Hunter would shore up weaknesses on just about any Republican ticket. By choosing not to endorse a candidate, Hunter has left the door open to be anyone's vice presidential candidate.
With Hunter out, this site is down to only one currently supportable candidate. Temporarily, I've decided to leave it this way. However, I am considering Fred Thompson as a back-up plan.
That, however, may be short-lived. Thompson put all his eggs in South Carolina's basket, and South Carolina only gave him a bronze medal. He could be pulling out soon, as well.
So, conservative Christians experienced a triple whammy yesterday: Duncan Hunter ending his campaign, Fred Thompson perhaps having his campaign ended for him (practically speaking), and Mike Huckabee being handed a painful defeat in South Carolina to John McCain.
But we must not stay down on ourselves. We must get up to fight another day.
**Click here to read Duncan Hunter's official statement.
***I'll have updated rankings in my next "Ranking Their Positions" post.