Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Letter to North Dakota Right to Life

A fellow soldier in Huck's army sent an e-mail to NDRL, asking them to support Mike Huckabee for President. He received a response saying that they had decided not to endorse a candidate until the two main parties had selected their nominees. I wrote the following e-mail in response, beseeching them to reconsider. I urge you to send a similar e-mail to them. Their address is:

To whom it may concern:

I understand that you have decided not to endorse a presidential candidate until the two main parties have selected their nominees. I am writing to implore you to reconsider your decision. Please allow me to explain:

Unlike other election cycles, this primary season has presented pro-lifers with an urgent and immediate challenge. On the Democratic side, all the leading candidates are pro-choice, as usual. However, on the Republican side, we are faced with an uncommon predicament. Namely, all of the candidates are not pro-life in a complete and unadulterated manner.

Rudy Giulani, former mayor of New York City, is personally opposed to abortion but believes in a woman's right to choose. He claims that he would appoint strict constructionist judges, but he does not support a ban on abortion.

Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, was pro-choice until the past few years. He takes a somewhat apathetic stance towards the issue, believing that the country is not ready to rid itself of abortion. In addition, he remains in favor of rape and incest exceptions.

John McCain believes that overturning Roe v. Wade would be sufficient. On his website, he states, "Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states." This stance is not the one of someone who recognizes the overwhelming importance of ending abortion.

In contrast to Giulani, Romney, and McCain, Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, is and has always been fully and staunchly pro-life. He believes that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. He is opposed to research on embryonic stem cells. He supports a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and he passed pro-life legislation while governor of Arkansas. Without a doubt, he is the most consistently and fervently pro-life candidate in the field of frontrunners.

Furthermore, whereas other so-called "second-tier" candidates have either bowed out or shown no substantial presence in the polls, Governor Huckabee has quieted qualms about his electability. Finishing first in Iowa, third in New Hampshire, third in Michigan, and a very close second in South Carolina, he has clearly proven to be one of the main contenders for the Republican nomination. As far as future primaries go, he is either leading or competitive in the polls of numerous states which vote on Super Tuesday.

With the constraints of a modest budget and a lack of inherent name recognition, Governor Huckabee would benefit greatly from your support.

Thank you for your time. I sincerely hope that, reconsidering your policy of giving no endorsements until the general election, you will endorse Mike Huckabee for President of the United States.

[your name]

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