Some of you may be concerned that, by becoming a part of this effort, you would thereby concede the election to Hillary Clinton if Rudy Giulani or Mitt Romney were to receive the Republican nomination. That is not the case at all! You do not have to make any pledges for a specific candidate or against specific candidates. To join this effort is to pledge support to the effort and a desire for a Christian President. Joining is like you saying, "I do not want to vote for Rudy Giulani. I do not want to vote for Mitt Romney. And I want to act so that I am not eventually compelled to under the philosophy of picking the lesser of two evils."
In fact, you do not even have to disavow both (or either) Giulani and (or) Romney. You can join whatever blogrolls you want to! There are three: "Americans for a Christian President," "Christian Coalition AGAINST Rudy Giulani," and "Evangelicals NOT for Mitt Romney." Obviously, it is preferable that you go all out and dedicate yourself to this effort, but those who partially agree with this site's philosophy are welcomed to join alongside those who fully agree with it. Perhaps, at some point, you will realize the fullness of our perspective.
One last note: Although the focus of this blog seems to be the Republican front-runners, that is an illusion. We Want a Christian President... is also presently against Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and all of the other Democratic presidential candidates who behave or believe in non-Christian ways.
Alasan Bermain Judi Kasino Online
Perekonomian agen bola terpercaya dunia tidak berjalan dengan baik. Biaya
hidup semakin tinggi setiap harinya. Oleh karena itu, setiap individu[...]
7 years ago