Friday, November 16, 2007

Uh-Oh, Fred.

In my opinion, Mike Huckabee is pulling away from Fred Thompson as the best conservative candidate.

Read this article about Fred Thompson on abortion.


Austin said...

They're twisting Thompson's words. They're saying that since Fred Thompson doesn't think there should be a federal law against abortion, he must think abortion should be legal. But that's incorrect. He actually does think abortion should be against the law - State law. It would be nice if people were honest. Of course, I disagree with him - an amendment would be just fine, especially since the States have to agree to one anyway. But twisting his words hardly helps the issue.

On another note, what he said about jailing young women is a straw man argument - I know of no pro-life group who would want an abortion amendment to act in retrospect.

Kingdom Advancer said...

I don't know that that's what they were trying to say. I think they were pointing out that he's not strong ENOUGH against abortion.

Here's the thing: I can't agree with the "states' rights" argument (never mind the insulting "criminalization" comment).

The person saying that abortion is a "states' rights issue" must not know what abortion truly is. Murder is not a states' rights issue. Infanticide is not a states' rights issue. Unless the person saying this also believes that it's okay for some states to allow slavery, I don't know how a fully-informed pro-lifer could call abortion a "states' rights" issue.
To say that abortion is a states' rights issue is to say that abortion is not absolutely right or wrong, but that the states should decide for themselves.

Furthermore, if abortion was turned into an issued decided by the states, where some states outlawed it and others didn't, we'd have a situation where only the capable could receive abortions by going out of state, but the capable still could. So, the poor young raped girl may not be able to get an abortion, but the 30-something suburbanite who only wanted two kids can afford to go out of state to have an abortion of the third. Not that abortion is ever just, but where's the justice in that? We'd be eliminating the abortions of the less affluent while only making abortions more inconvenient for the rest.

Now, I'm all for putting abortion clinics out of business now so as to make it harder to have an abortion and thereby make it more probable that a person chooses life. But, when it comes to making law, states' rights just doesn't go far enough for me.

Kingdom Advancer said...

I should add, though, that, admittedly, the liberal states would make getting an amendment awfully hard.

Me said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog, I appreciate it. I've been reading through your blog and it's great! Very good information. God bless!


Anonymous said...

It makes me so sad to think that in order to make a step in the right direction in obliterating Abortion seems so much compromise must be involved. Or any of the big issues for that matter. Oh, if I could do what I can and then step back; leaving it in Gods Hands. But no, I'm forever trying to do His job for Him.


PS. Thanx for creating this blog! God Bless!

Kingdom Advancer said...

Thank you Rocky and AJM. I appreciate the encouragement.

Me said...

You are very welcome for the link - keep up the great work! God bless!