Friday, January 18, 2008

Idealists, You Are!

Wow, thank you to all who participated in the latest WWCP poll. With 65 votes, it topped the previous high of 49 votes, which were cast in this site's very first poll. Clearly, WWCP is going in the right direction, popularity-wise.

I mistakenly thought I had chosen a very polarizing, divisive question in this poll: "In a President, what type of conservatism is most important to you?"

I figured that we'd either see a split between economic, foreign policy, and social conservatives, or see a general gravitation to social conservatism, since many of my blog readers may feel most strongly about that area. Instead, by a wide margin, you chose the utopian idea of a totally conservative President.

67% (44 votes) of you said that "A President has to have ALL for me to support him." That's a higher percentage than the 65% which said Hillary Clinton would make the worst President.

Next in line was "Defense Conservatism (Foreign Policy/Immigration)" at a distant second place. It brought in 12% (8 votes) of the votes.

After that, a pack of options runs together, each choice carrying only a few votes. 6% (4 votes) voted for "Social Conservatism," and another 6% voted for "Theological Conservatism." 3% (2 votes) cast their ballot with "Economic Conservatism (free markets)", while another 3% (2 votes) wasn't conservative ("I'm NOT a conservative, so none!")

Rounding out the poll was "Fiscal Conservatism" with one lonely percentile (1 vote).

A few notes:

1.) I ambiguously worded the most popular answer choice: "A President has to have ALL for me to support him." "Support" is a relative term. Wholehearted support, or support period?

2.) A lot of types of conservatism can be defined relatively, as well. There are degrees of conservatism.

3.) I can see that I can't give you all a cop-out if I want to see your feelings when forced to make a decision.

Please vote in the new poll.

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