Sunday, February 17, 2008

Fundamental Reasons to Vote for Huckabee over McCain

I believe that the reasons to vote for Mike Huckabeee over John McCain come down to fundamental, foundational, traditional, classic values.

Our First Unalienable Right: Life

McCain thinks the states should decide for themselves. Huckabee thinks God has already decided.

Our Third Unalienable Right: The Pursuit of Happiness

Our tax system tries pretty hard to hinder people in their pursuit of happiness. Not that happiness is all about money, but your money should not be plundered from you by the government. Huckabee wants to make it so that you decide the taxes you pay. With the Fair Tax, you only get taxed when you consume, not when you produce. The Fair Tax would also eliminate other unfair ways which the government pilfers its people. McCain says he wants lower taxes, but he also voted against the Bush tax cuts. And, regardless of how much he wants to lower taxes, he still wants to keep the same old broken, unjust system for the most part.

The First Amendment

Through veiled "campaign finance reform," McCain thinks that the government should have the authority to tell you how you are allowed to say something, when you are allowed to say it, and what you have to do before you can say it. Huckabee believes in free speech and the Constitution.

The Second Amendment

Huckabee understands that the Second Amendment isn't something to be toyed with. He knows that our right to keep and bear arms is a check on tyranny. Any regulation or restriction on that right is extremely risky. McCain obviously doesn't realize that, and he's not afraid to hamper Second Amendment activist efforts through his "campaign finance reform."

The Cornerstone of the Family

McCain believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, but he opposes a marriage amendment. Huckabee knows marriage is between a man and a woman, and he's willing to fight for it.

The Rule of Law

Apparently, John McCain does not understand that, in America, we are not in the business of rewarding lawbreakers. We do not assist people in achieving profitable ends by bad means.

It's not just about getting a secure border first, although McCain botched that principle when he teamed up with one of the most liberal senators in the history of the United States--Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts--to design comprehensive immigration "reform," or, more accurately, "deform" or "ill-informed."

It's not just about being a heavy-handed law-enforcer, either. It's about fairness, and it's about people starting their lives in America with their heads held high.

Those are not the only reasons why I am voting for Huckabee over McCain. Huckabee is a fresh face. Unlike McCain, he is not a Washington insider. Huckabee has over ten years of executive experience. McCain has none. Huckabee is compassionate and coolheaded. McCain is known to be hotheaded with a foul tongue.

Finally, in my humble opinion, McCain doesn't have much of a chance at winning in a general election. He probably can't inspire conservatives; he probably can't rally evangelicals; he can't attract the youth vote; and he's not a great, articulate debater. Huckabee is much younger than McCain; he's a spectacular communicator. He can inspire conservatives, and many evangelicals have rallied around him.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Nice post. Over the past 10 days or so I'm seeing too many people excusing McAmnesty for his record. Excusing the atrocious bills he has sponsored. Excusing the derisive things he's said about Evangelicals and all conservatives (with some very vulgar language I might add).

I'm seeing too many people in the Republican party trying to get us "agents of intolerance" to shut up, get in line, and continue handing over our rights to a Senator whose record of "reaching across the aisle" has done more to help the democrat party and hurt the Republicans than it has the other way in recent years. Now we're supposed to believe that he 'really is conservative, honest'?

There's no way McAmnesty can win without not only the votes of us "racists" but without our campaign support and contribution. This is why the "moderates" want us to shut up and get in line.

Kingdom Advancer said...


It was a disappointing night. Unfortunately, Washington and Wisconsin are kind of purple states, which played to John "Purple" McCain's strength.


Thank you for the comments.

You sound like a stalwart against illegal immigration. You may like my post, "Straight Talk About John McCain on Immigration."

You can find it in the sidebar under the "Letters" heading.

Al said...

I must be wierd. For the life of me I cannot see the appeal of John McCain. For one his age worries me, I doubt if he would be able to finish one term in office.

Unknown said...

Kingdom advancer,

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out. Illegal immigration is not the one big issue for me, though I am concerned with it. My father was an immigrant, and he got his citizenship LEGALLY, by waiting in line, jumping through the hoops and earning it.

The thing that really gets me is all the people that post on blogs and call into radio shows talking about how if we get McCain in the oval office we'll have conservative judges appointed. Never mind the fact that he said that Alito was too conservative for him or was instrumental in obstructing President Bush's judicial nominees.

Yeah, I don't get it either.

I think what had the biggest impact was not purple states, but Michigan and Florida. The fact that the Democrat primary was academic freed a lot of dems to vote for their favorite "Republican" in McCain.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ calls us to love the Lord, our God, with all of our heart, soul, and mind and to love our neighbor as ourself. Barack Obama epitimizes this call from Christ and that is why I support him. He will be a Christian President because according to Christ, what Barack preaches that he will do is exactly what Christ asks us to do. Christ does not ask us to legislate morality by taking away others' freedoms; he asks us to LOVE them, show them the way through OUR actions (not our laws). Many Christians are caught in the sin of addiction (to coffee, Dr. Pepper, etc.), but do not enforce a federal law to ban caffine (this would help the whole nation stop breaking the "Thou shalt have no 'gods' before me" commandment--one that is 4 ahead of "Thou shalt not kill" in God's Top 10 laws/commandments). Christ came to CHANGE the world--change our judgement of each other. What have we done with that? With Obama as president, it could happen with leadership from above.