One of the media’s favorite things to do is to “pigeonhole” candidates and their constituencies. For instance, Mike Huckabee is, according to the media, the “evangelical candidate” and evangelicals vote for him. John McCain is the “military hero” and veterans vote for him.
The interesting thing is, for the media, it oftentimes only takes a simple majority—or even a plurality—from exit polls to paint a candidate into a demographical corner.
Well, I’m writing to dispel the myth that you, as a military man or woman, should feel compelled to vote for John McCain. I believe that there are (at least) three reasons why you should consider being part of the “minority” of veterans and military persons supporting Mike Huckabee.
1.) Mike Huckabee’s positions and record on the military and foreign policy.
a.) Huckabee wants to build a stronger military, and he believes in the military strategy of “irresistible force”—NOT a “light footprint,” which likely contributed to our problems in Iraq.
b.) He supports finishing the job in Iraq and opposes a timetable for withdrawal. He was willing to give the surge a shot, although, as any Commander-in-Chief should be, he was concerned about our forces being overextended and overstretched.
c.) He promises to “fight the war on terror with the intensity and single-mindedness that it deserves,” if elected.
d.) He is a strong supporter of Israel.
e.) He advocates a “Veterans’ Bill of Rights.”
As a postnote, it should not be forgotten that Huckabee has ten years of executive experience. For the last twenty some-odd years, John McCain has been a senator. Huckabee would simultaneously come in with executive experience and a fresh perspective, not being a Washington insider.
2.) Fundamental freedoms.
John McCain has failed to stand up for in the Senate what he fought for in the military. He has restricted our First and Second Amendment rights, and he opposes a Human Life Amendment, which would ensure our first unalienable right—life—endowed by our Creator and recorded in our Declaration of Independence. In contrast, Mike Huckabee has been a consistent and complete supporter of these basic liberties.
3.) John McCain’s record on military and veterans' issues.
I honestly don’t know enough about the ins and outs of veterans’ affairs or the history of John McCain to make a definitive judgment on this. But I encourage you to check out his voting record and the rest of his past. --------EDIT 9/04/08: I've decided to take down the link to the Vietnam Vets taking on McCain. I have way too much doubt in the credibility of the attack (and way too little information period), and I do not want to slander John McCain. I'm sorry I put the link up in the first place. However, here is the link to John McCain's voting record on veteran's issues: ---------
Now, if the be-all and end-all of your decision-making process revolves around military and foreign policy experience, these three points won't change your mind. But, otherwise, I hope this article makes you realize that John McCain is not your only option.
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hidup semakin tinggi setiap harinya. Oleh karena itu, setiap individu[...]
7 years ago
Howdy! I've been led to your blog a couple times through blog search and I wanted to bring something up if I may. Your blog takes awhile to download and during that time you might be losing visitors. I'm sending you a link so you can check your download times and see what you can get rid of if you wish (map loco takes lots of time away from downloading for instance!).
I like your blog, but I'm like most folks on the net, and don't wait around past about 10 seconds for it to load. (I am not complaining, just trying to be helpful as I'd like to link to your posts from time to time.)
Helpful site for download times
Ya, I agree with anonymous, some of the things on the side make my computer lock up for a min and it's kind of annoying.
As for the post, nice job. Media members often do a great job of slapping a label on people they don't quite understand and assuming they're all alike.
Okay, I'm going to clean-up the blog some, per your all's feedback.
Wow, so much better, I can actually scroll all the way to the bottom and back up without my browser going dead for 30 seconds (on a blazing fast new machine mind you). Thanks!
Well, I have somewhat of a weakness for neat little widgets, but they really don't serve the purpose of this blog, so, since they're slowing things down, I thought I might as well get rid of them.
By the way, according to the site anonymous linked to, I cut the load time down from 88 seconds (with 56K speed) to 46 seconds.
Hey, much appreciated.
As a programmer, I can certainly understand the affinity for gadgets!
So, Mike's out. I have no desire to reward the party for moving left.
I also don't buy the idea that it's Huckabee's fault Romney didn't win. Maybe it's Romney's fault Huckabee didn't win. Seems like Romney waited until Huck was well behind before he dropped out. The thought that Huck's supporters would have gone for Romney is quite presumptuous.
I enjoyed your information and commentary. My family, friends, and most of my church will not vote period this November without Mike as the VP. God is our source and I am convinced that I heard Mike was to be president. It is my heart's desire and voting for the lesser of two evils has been eliminated forever. Thank you for your website. The Republican elitist are in for a big surprise without Mike on the ticket this fall. Counting on the sheep to fall in line I believe will be their greatest mistake.....
From a brother in Christ....
Thank you for your kind comments, Randy.
But I beg you to vote this November for two reasons:
1.) Local elections and Congressional races: Whether we end up with McCain or a Democrat (or someone else; you never know), we need a conservative Congress and conservatives at the local and state level.
2.) Third parties: I don't believe the protest strategy of vote abstinence has helped America. If people voted third-party instead, a third-party candidate might actually have a shot.
I, myself, did not hear explicitly from God that Mike Huckabee should be President. But, to the best of my ability, I thought he was our best option.
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